Lineage > Dharma


I am a lay initiate in the Soto Zen lineage of Zengaku Soyu Matsuoka Roshi.

My teacher is Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston Roshi, founding teacher of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center and abbot of the Silent Thunder Order.

Zengaku Soyu Matsuoka Roshi
Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston Roshi

Matsuoka Roshi

Elliston Roshi

My Dharma name is Kyosaku.

I was the original producer of Elliston Roshi’s UnMind podcast, and I created and co-hosted the Householders podcast with Inga Annie Tudora, which ran for 59 episodes.

Weekday Zazen

on Base

I, along with other volunteer householders, hold a weekly schedule of silent meditation over video call.

Zazen is one of the ongoing activities on Base, a private message board for householders at any stage of life to hang out and hold council on topics of community, family, livelihood, skills, and spirituality.

Access to Base is part of Householders, the annual membership. We would love to have you join us for zazen.

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