The Psychedelics Industry

I don’t see how you can read this kind of shit and not just assume that psychedelics will be used AGAINST the liberation of humanity going forward and behave accordingly.

Market forces will carry psychedelics right into the niche in post-Boomer generations previously occupied by institutional religion, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

It’s instructive to observe the extent to which Psychedelics Guys are ALREADY becoming the new slick-haired TV preachers for the wealthy early-adopter segment. Now imagine what happens when they’re sanctioned under the regulatory framework of “mental health.”

“Many psychedelics founders are discussing how — and how much — to include indigenous people in the work.”


Just like how all the cannabis companies paid the legal fees of convicted weed dealers, got them out of prison, and made them CEO, right?

It just recapitulates “religion” note for note.

Listen to mfers like Mark Zuckerberg talk. Money/power/control is overtly investing in the assumption that the world is GOING to get more terrible for the foreseeable future, and so pleasurable escapism products must be brought to market as soon as possible.

I just want us all to remain spiritually sovereign and robust in the face of this mind-numbing escalation that’s coming.

Any training we’re doing in STANDING UP to Religion™ with our own practices and networks — rather than abandoning the space to it — will be useful.


Infrastructure Is Psychedelic


My Current View of Contemplative Practice