Infrastructure Is Psychedelic

When I was on acid a couple months ago for the first time in a few years, I noticed/remembered that, as much as I enjoy the reflexive work of examining awareness/reality itself, what I was actually most drawn to DO was skulk around rail yards and hospitals and state universities.

Reflecting on this tendency — which has been there all along — my sense is that it’s about INFRASTRUCTURE being the most mysterious and complex part of consciousness.

That is, sure, we are all One, et cetera. duh. what’s REALLY weird is that we coordinate on the material plane.

We are doing a disintegrated, self-destructive job of it, to be sure, but we kick ass at SOME of it.

I don’t believe the shortcomings are due to “insufficient consciousness,” though, whatever that would mean. Seems to me it’s that we are still learning what measurements to use.


Devotion to Lineage


The Psychedelics Industry