Horary 0097: Will a Better Job Opportunity Appear Soon?


The querent was stuck in a day-to-day employment arrangement and searching for more stable opportunities. They wanted to know if a good job opportunity would arise in the “near future.”


I gave the querent Mercury, the ascendant ruler. Since the querent was currently working and seeking a future opportunity, I reserved the Moon for the next job, as she rules the sign that follows the one on the 10th.

I took Mercury’s rulership of the 10th as well as the 1st — and thus their signification of both the querent and their current job — as one testimony of the querent staying in the current arrangement. I noted that with Mercury in their own bound, domicile, and exaltation at the very beginning of Virgo, their essential condition is pretty good, but they also aren’t going anywhere for a while.

I delineated Mars in Virgo just past the ascendant degree, out of sect in this day chart, as an affliction such as the querent’s discomfort with the current arrangement. The Moon — the next job opportunity — is separating from Mercury and going to Mars. She is also in her antithesis, the sign of Capricorn, which I described as an indication of further struggle with this affliction. She also exalts Mars from there, which I took as a source of motivation to continue struggling rather than give up. What it did not show, however, was the arrival of a new job opportunity for the querent.

I found another testimony of sticking with the current arrangement despite its difficulty in Mercury’s next contact, which is Saturn. Saturn rules the 6th house of toil, which contributes to that signification. However I also found this contact to have a potential upside. Saturn also rules the 5th house of creativity, and he rules the Moon and thus describes the conditions surrounding the querent’s next professional opportunity, which the Moon signifies. I described Saturn ruling the 5th house from the 6th and receiving the ascendant ruler’s next contact as hard work at a creative project.

So while I didn’t see a new formal job appearing soon, I suggested that the querent put effort into fulfilling side projects.


The querent responded that they were planning to launch an astrological practice the following month with the goal of supporting their further studies and expansion into metalworking. They did successfully launch this practice and begin publishing and promoting it online. After three months, the querent considered this prediction to be accurate.


I love how realistic this chart is while still encouraging the querent to pursue a creative dream. It’s not saying, “You’re going to follow your bliss and solve all your problems,” but it’s still saying to listen to creative impulses anyway, and to work hard to realize them.


Horary 0083: Where Is Vladimyr the Cat (Again!)?


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