Horary 0125: Should I Go on a Date With Him?


The querent had been talking to a male love interest but was wary of getting into a new relationship due to difficult past experiences. They had also received warning in previous divination to avoid “preening peacocks,” “anti-heroes,” and other “romantic” and “artsy” types of trouble-guys.

The querent had matched with this new person on a dating app and was intrigued, but they had some uncertainty and wanted a second opinion. They also mentioned that their natal 7th-house Moon is in Libra, and so the impending solar eclipse there gave them pause.


Presumably the querent was aware that they had ordered this horary on the day of that eclipse, but they were probably not aware that their timing had placed the imminently forming eclipse right on the ascendant in my location, which is a bit of an ominous sign.

That Moon about to be swallowed up in a “ring of fire” eclipse is one of the querent’s significators. The Libra ascendant makes the other Venus. I described Venus in the 11th house of networking and playing the field but low in esteem due to Venus’ fall in Virgo.

Venus in Virgo has affinity for Mercury, ruler of the 9th house of ideals and 12th house of worries, with whom Venus is in mutual reception by domicile, and Mercury is about to rise. Venus likes the idea (9th house) of this relationship but is also worried about it (12th house). Also, importantly, from her place in Virgo, Venus can’t see the real omen of this moment one sign over in the 1st house.

Meanwhile, in Venus’ sign of Libra, the Moon has just separated from Mercury, which is a nice signature of having just matched on a dating app. But of course that Moon is heading right into the annular eclipse of the fallen Sun right on the diminishing South Node. Given the Sun’s secondary signification of a male partner in a relationship, this sure does not look like the start of a beautiful lovey-dovey thing.

The man’s primary significator is Mars, the descendant ruler. Mars is very strong in dignity and understandably attractive in this chart, but he also has negative reception for Venus from his domicile in Scorpio and just had a pretty rough time in the Venusian conditions of Libra himself. It doesn’t look like a very reciprocal situation for our querent.

I warned the querent off this relationship, describing it as an imbalance. Their situation is quite burdened, his looks carefree. The querent’s significators look overpowered by others, while his looks quite self-assured. I also didn’t like that each of them had a significator in fall — Venus in the querent’s case, the Sun in the quesited’s case. That doesn’t promise the respect one would like to see in a romantic connection.


The querent wrote back some days later that they ended up choosing not to go on this date and were relieved and happier for it. They reported that their close friends also felt something was off about him, and the reading helped clarify it.


A textbook relationship horary can be such a beautiful illustration of the clarity and symbolic vividness of astrology. This chart is so much more detailed a description than a yes-or-no question would require, but of course no relationship question is a simple yes-or-no. Answering such a question in a satisfying and actionable way requires all kinds of testimony of affinity and character, and it seems this judgment provided plenty.


Horary 0097: Will a Better Job Opportunity Appear Soon?


Emergency Pragmatism