Horary 0136: Where Is My Fanny Pack?


The querent was missing a black fanny pack containing important medical and magical objects. They recalled having it on errands earlier this week and were confident it was either in their car or at their house. They did worry they might have inadvertently thrown it away.


I gave the bag Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd house cusp of the querent’s possessions. I noted Jupiter’s position in the 3rd house by quadrant and the 4th house by whole sign. I have become quite used to mixing the house significations when a significator is in different houses by whole-sign and quadrant, so I judged the object was indeed at home (4th house), in “a place of communication within the home” such as “the home office” or “the mail room,” and being on the floor (earth sign at the bottom of the chart).

I noted that Saturn and the Moon, both of the querent’s significators, had great reception for Jupiter and can see him with supportive aspects, which I delineated as positive testimony for being able to find the fanny pack.

What I did not note was the extremely early ascendant, a classic consideration before judgment.


The querent found the fanny pack on the floor in an office. However, it was at work, not at home.

They weren’t even sure how it got to work; they weren’t supposed to bring it there.


The querent was grateful and positive about the reading, and it did seem to contribute to them finding the object. However, I am unable to give myself credit for this one because I overdid it on one of my pet techniques while overlooking a classical warning sign, and this caused me to delineate an incorrect location despite basically nailing the specifics.

If I had considered the consideration before judgment before judging, I don’t think I would have been so eager to consider Jupiter to be in the 4th house by whole sign, and thus I would not have seized upon the object being “at home.” I even said to the querent that the 3rd house would “mean ‘out in the neighborhood’ if the object weren’t at home,” but I followed that immediately by “but” and explained why I thought it was at home. If I had given a pure 3rd-house delineation and just used the same 3rd-house words I did use, I would have ruled this correct.

What I didn’t know about the querent when I judged the chart was that they work in a scientific setting, and so Jupiter’s dispositor Venus being in domicile in the 9th supports that detail. That’s this chart’s way of saying “It’s in the domain where you work (9th house), in the office (3rd house), on the floor (earth sign, bottom of chart).”

I will gladly take this lesson to remember to consider the considerations!


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Horary 0078: Will It Upset My Spouse If I Take This Trip?