Horary 0078: Will It Upset My Spouse If I Take This Trip?


The querent was hoping to travel internationally to see a concert with a friend to whom they were previously married (15 years ago). They wanted to know whether this would upset their spouse. The ex and the querent have remained friendly, and this had never caused an issue before, but the querent felt it would be a big ask of their spouse and didn’t want to raise the issue if it would create any discomfort at all.


I gave the querent Venus, ruler of the ascendant, and the Moon. I gave the spouse Mars, the descendant ruler. It seemed to me the ex was best described as “a friend,” and so I gave them the Sun, ruler of the 11th house. This seemed radical right away; Venus (the querent) and Mars (the spouse) are close together in the 11th house, considering the subject of the friend together and sharing a positive regard for them.

The Sun is rejoicing in the 9th house of travel and in the sign of Cancer, the domicile of the Moon (also the querent); the friend would like to travel with the querent.

Since the Moon is in the sign that is rising, she is in a harmonious trine to the 9th house of travel and can see that place. She has risen into the 12th house of worry, though, which radically describes the querent’s question and their concern about going. But the aspects she will make in coming days tell a positive story about the outcome.

The Moon’s first contact a sextile with her ruler, Venus, the querent’s other significator, which is a nice moment of becoming more sure about this.

She carries that light immediately to Mars, the spouse’s significator, which looks like the querent and the spouse having the quesited conversation. Then the Moon goes into Scorpio, which is Mars’ domicile, so the outcome of that conversation increases the querent’s favor towards their spouse. Since Scorpio is also the Moon’s place of fall. I delineated this change as “an act of service” to the spouse, “perhaps making some kind of sacrifice to ensure [they’re] comfortable with everything.”

Then the Moon makes contact with Mercury, ruler of the 9th and significator of the trip itself. Mercury is about to leave their domicile in Gemini, losing dignity and becoming combust under the beams of the Sun. I delineated this as the trip posing some difficulty, though Mercury does gain reception for the Moon there, so it will still go well for the querent. I also pointed out that Cancer is the fall of Mars, so the trip certainly doesn’t favor the spouse, but Mars’ reception for the Sun is good enough that I judged the spouse would certainly not get mad at the ex about it.


The querent did not end up going on the trip at all, due to other difficulties such as money and logistics, which they felt were well indicated by Mercury’s loss of dignity and combustion. They did discuss it with their spouse, though, and as predicted, the spouse was not at all upset about the idea.


I love how detailed this one is. I feel like delineated the Moon/Mercury contact slightly incorrectly by not out-and-out predicting the querent wouldn’t go on the trip, but the “sacrifice” I delineated with the Moon’s Scorpio ingress, as well as the “difficulty” with the trip due to Mercury’s imminent and significant loss of dignity both seem quite close enough. Furthermore, since the underlying question was, “Will my spouse get mad about this trip?”, and the judgment was “certainly not,” both the querent and I felt comfortable ruling this judgment correct.


Horary 0136: Where Is My Fanny Pack?


Torah Posting: וישלח