Horary 0025: Should I Go Back to School?


The querent had dropped out of college two years earlier, taken nine months to reorient themselves, and was considering going back to school for something completely different. “I want to take a whole new path,” they wrote. They could feel this was auspicious timing for them, but they wanted a horary for a celestial second opinion.

The question was asked in March, and school would start in August.


I gave the querent the Sun as ruler of the ascendant, and the Moon. Both lights are in the 9th house of learning, the Sun is exalted by sign and rejoicing by house, and the Moon is new and fresh, gaining in light, and applying immediately to benefic Jupiter, the natural ruler of wisdom. Pretty good start!

As ruler of the 9th, Mars signifies college. I described the mutual reception by face between the Sun and Mars as a slight but mutual affinity between the querent and a school. Noting Mars’ late position in Gemini, I described the coming changes in dignity. Mars will go into fall upon entering Cancer and lose dignity, but he will gain strongly in reception for the Moon (the querent). The Moon in turn will leave Aries and lose reception for Mars.

I delineated this as a reality check upon entering school, a realization that the querent’s initial view of going back to school was somewhat idealized. But with the Sun having just entered its exaltation in Mars’ diurnal sign, I concluded that the querent would still thrive there, that the school would be thrilled to have them, and that they would be “a star there, and treated well.”


I checked in on the querent in mid-September, and they reported that school is “going great,” that they had gotten an A on their first test, and that they had been offered an internship for their major “kinda out of nowhere.” They reported that it is “stressful having to focus and devote my time to studying again,” but that they feel “fulfilled and happy.”


A perfect textbook horary. Nothing to add beyond my typical appreciation for the breathtaking clarity of the expressions of the planets.


Horary 0123: Will I Get My Phone Today?


Horary 0118: Where Is My AirPods Case?