
Evangelism is never chill for anyone, ever.

It has been a shock for me, as an adult, to encounter people with ostensibly moderate beliefs who do not believe this.

Evangelism is for cancer cells. It’s the opposite of biodiversity. It’s counter-evolutionary. It’s something only humans trying to go extinct would do. It is monocropping. It is imperialism. It is globalism. It is technocracy. It is even bad for the evangelist.

Pray for people’s souls all you want, but if you try to make them change, they are right to defend themselves, as anyone would be if you invaded their homeland.

Making the Divine available is not the same (at all) as pushing it on an individual. Lighthouses in the fog. Steeples and minarets are good, actually.

Now, imposing cathedrals (or Temples) gilded with gold taken from conquered indigenous people, on the other hand…


Ask the Temple Pillars


What’s Hard About Learning Traditions From Books