Weather Report


This is a written check-in about how the current astro-weather is affecting you personally, as transits to your natal chart. It will help you understand what’s been going on in your life lately and what to expect up ahead.

It’s not a delineation of your whole life story or personality, which is better suited for a face-to-face consultation. This is a brief written report illustrated with relevant charts that will put your recent past, present, and near future in context.

All I need is your birth chart information and a brief rundown of what’s been coming up for you recently.

You can read more about how this works and what it can show us in my free Astro-Weather Guide, but I’ll be able to use more advanced techniques than I could get into there, such as solar returns, annual and monthly profections, secondary progressions, and zodiacal releasing. Perhaps some tarot cards as well. I can also provide relocated charts, also known as “astrocartography” or “locational astrology,” for questions of moving or travel.

When you purchase a Weather Report, I will follow up by email as soon as possible, either to provide the report outright or to ask clarifying questions. It may require some back-and-forth discussion to clarify your situation before I can complete the report.

When the report is complete, I will send it by email.

The Weather Report is $100 for Householders members.

Householders can order discounted readings in the members area. Join Householders to get access.

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