What Does תַּעֲלֻמוֹת Mean?

תַּעֲלֻמות (“tah-ah-lu-MOTE”) is often translated as “secrets” or “mysteries.” It’s often paired with “yode’ah;” יודֵעַ תַּעֲלֻמות means “Knower of Secrets.” You know to Whom that refers. I have more drash on it, though.

The root is עלמ, which means “hide,” so that makes the translation as “secrets” pretty plain. What jumps out at me (like a lion pouncing on his prey), though, is the other common word derived from that root.

The word עולם (“olam”) means both “world/universe” and “eternity/forever,” which probably befuddled pre-Einstein modern Jews but should seem perfectly natural now, don’t you think? Spacetime.

The prefix ת (last letter in the alef bet) indicates a future orientation, adding another spacetime wrinkle. So תַּעֲלֻמות are the mysteries or secrets that give rise to the future universe.

Science uses the phrase “Laws of Physics” to point at such secrets. Makes you think about “the Law,” don’t it? Oh, one last thing. The suffix “ות-” is the feminine plural.

Why is it my name, though? Not telling 🙃.


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