The Astrology of My Move Back Home

(Written with Mars exactly on my natal ascendant)

My once-in-a-lifetime Uranus conjunction with my natal Jupiter was three years ago.

Jupiter is in my 4th House — the only planet below the horizon when I was born. It’s the most inward house, having to do with home and foundation.

The day of my ♅ ☌ natal ♃, my wife was invited by a luminary in her field for a new, experimental professional opportunity that finally detached us from the West Coast and started our journey back home to family.

It’s not just the synchronicity that has me shook. It was such an intense decision! We had a four-month-old baby. I had a former dream job ending (by choice) in TWO DAYS! Conservatism was warranted!

But I said yes.

And if I had known astrology, it would have been so OBVIOUS.

If you do know astrology things, though, it reads so clearly.

That’s what Uranus is. A lightning bolt. A leap into the sky.

That transits my Aries 4H stationed-Rx Jupiter — my private, fiercely defended home — once in my life.

When it happened, we picked up and went home.

Three months earlier, when our kid was not even three weeks old, my wife had her exact Saturn return, AND Pluto conjunct her Sun. EXACTLY. BOTH TO THE ARC MINUTE. Same sign, same day.

We have tons of photos from that day.

They’re the first ones where you can see our daughter’s cataracts.

Four days before that was the retrograde pass of Uranus back over my natal Jupiter.

Earlier that spring was the first pass. We initiated an attempt to look for houses back home that very day. But we gave up. It wasn’t time yet.


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