Horary 0132: Where Is Rusty the Dog?


The querent was looking after a four-year-old former stray dog, Rusty, who was scheduled to be adopted by a foreign visitor, and the dog had gone missing. The querent did not believe Rusty had wandered off on his own accord and had either been stolen or met with an accident. I was asked to provide divination, so the querent could inform the person adopting Rusty.


I gave Rusty Saturn, ruler of the 6th house of small animals, as well as the Moon. As Saturn also rules the 7th house, this could have caused complications, as the 7th-house ruler could signify either the person adopting Rusty or a potential thief. However, I would have to see a recent aspect between two significators showing an event of contact with another person, and Saturn here has made no contacts recently and has none coming up.

Furthermore, while still close to the descendant (i.e. setting in the west), Saturn is actually in the 8th sign from the ascendant, the 8th being the house of death. He’s also out of sect at night, and he is stationing (slowing to a stop in terms of zodiacal motion). For good measure, Pluto, lord of the underworld, is also stationed right on the 6th house cusp (from which Rusty takes his signification). This all seemed like bad news so far.

I turned my attention to the Moon for additional testimony. While she is exalted and angular, she has just been through some rather traumatic events. She was eclipsed at the beginning of her transit through Taurus, then she conjoined Jupiter (ruler of the 8th house of death in this chart), then had a painful opposition with a conjoined Mars and Mercury, then made brief benefic contact with her ruler, Venus, though Venus is in her fall, and then right after that was zapped by disruptive Uranus. Now she is at the end of her sign and about to lose dignity. Though her next aspect is with Saturn, who again could signify the person adopting her, it’s after a sign change and in about 6º, which was too big of a leap for me to judge as a successful adoption after all this scary stuff.

I judged that Rusty had met with some accident and was not coming back.


The querent confirmed after some time that Rusty had never returned, nor had he been seen by anyone.


May Rusty chase squirrels and swim in clear, cool ponds in the heaven of dogs.


Torah Posting: כי תשא


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