Horary 0093: Is This a Viable Pregnancy?


The querent’s partner received a positive pregnancy test, but the first ultrasound was inconclusive. It could have been too early to get a good picture, but the querent wanted a horary to prepare for the news.

I was humbled to receive such a sensitive question, and I responded with all the care I could muster.


I took Venus, ruler of the 5th house, to signify the pregnancy and found her in a bad house, a barren sign, and retrograde.

Jupiter — the ascendant ruler, signifying the querent — is in the 5th house, radically describing them coming to me with this pregnancy question, and an out-of-sect Mars in the 9th is applying to him. Mars rules the IC, traditionally signifying “the verdict,” and he is coming from the 9th house of science and medical institutions.

The Moon is also in the 12th house, separating from Mars, and void of course, showing a period of anguish without result.

The chart clearly showed that the pregnancy was not viable.

While the judgment was quite clear by this point, I also noted for the querent that their question came in two minutes before Mercury’s ingress into Virgo. As ruler of the descendant, Mercury signifies the querent’s partner. I noted this impending improvement in their condition as a sign that this hard news would not be the end of the road.


The pregnancy was found not to be viable. It was painful and challenging for both of them, but there were no further complications, and after a few days, in the querent’s words, they “figured out how to laugh again.”


I am grateful to this querent for allowing me to publish this result, because it is so striking as a document of the art of astrology, but I am not sure I would have been able to do that if it were me. I am glad, though, that they waited to write me back until things were feeling better. I am holding this family in my heart.


Horary 0068: Will I Get Either of These Jobs?


Couldn’t Be Me