Horary 0043: Where is My Google Home Mini?


The chart is for a lost object.

The querent reported a small smart speaker missing for a few months, having searched most of the house. It was last in a bathroom shared with five siblings. The family owns three of these devices, one for each bedroom. The querent reported good relations with all family members and had asked them about it, but no one knew.


I gave the object to Mars, ruler of the 2nd (the querent’s possession), found in its fall in the 9th house in Cancer. I described the object as being in an undignified, water-related place, noting that the 9th, as 2nd from the 8th, could mean “next to the bathroom.”

I also noted the 9th as a sort of “upstairs version” of the 3rd house — a description I draw from John Frawley — giving it similar connotations in a house of a corridor or hallway, a “communication” area between rooms in the house. I leaned towards this interpretation also because the 3rd is the house of siblings.

The querent was given Venus in Taurus in the 8th, the ascendant ruler, and the Moon in Scorpio in the 1st. I noted Venus in the 8th (the bathroom), with no contact with the object, and the Moon in Scorpio, desiring Mars (the object), departing from nearly simultaneous aspects with Mars as well as Mercury.

Considering what the querent said about siblings, I took note of Mercury, ruler of the 9th house cusp, angular in Taurus in the 7th, immediately applying a sextile to Mars, the object. I took this as a possible sign that the object was still in use by the person who took it.

One must be judicious in a lost object horary with indications of theft, but Mercury itself is a natural ruler of tricks, and the 7th house is the house of the thief, should a thief be involved in the question. I wanted one more sign to be sure, and I saw one I would not have considered by itself, but as a third factor, it impressed me: Mars, the object, is in antiscia with the Mercury-ruled 9th house cusp, and thus in contrantiscia with the 3rd house cusp that signifies siblings.

The only reason I took this as important is that the relationship between points in antiscia is hidden or secret, and so it served well as a third testimony of the object having been taken, given that it also pointed to a sibling. It was a little topsy turvy, but what sealed the deal for me was that the 7th house is ruled by Mars, the object. This seemed to be a way of inverting the chart from the object’s point of view, making the 9th house 3rd (siblings) from the 7th, the chart’s way of saying, “Your sibling took it.”

Since I had been given enough context to nudge me toward the interpretation that a sibling had taken without even considering the astrology, I encouraged the querent to identify the involved sibling using the significations of Mercury: small, fast, crafty, funny, mischievous, intelligent, sociable, adaptive. I also noted that, being in Taurus, Mercury was favorably disposed to Venus (the querent, as ascendant ruler). This was a reassuring final testimony that the object wasn’t taken maliciously, and that they would give it back.


Five days later, the querent wrote back (apologizing for a delay in responding to emails, which frankly I found perfectly acceptable) to inform me that their Google Home Mini was located in precisely the above conditions.

It was in the small hallway next to the bathroom, right next to the kitchen sink. It wasn’t stolen maliciously; it was moved by one of the querent’s mercurial youngest sisters. There are no hard feelings, and the object was returned.


I’m not gonna lie, I’m over the Moon about this one. The chart is incredibly radical, every detail was there, and it all worked out.

The thing that is continuing to blow my mind is the antiscia. I hadn’t needed antiscia in any of my 42 prior judgments yet, and so I was almost nervous about finally busting it out, and not for a “hidden conjunction” between planets but between a planet and a house cusp. It described the situation so well, though, on top of all the other testimonies, that I had to go for it, and it turned out to be the icing on the cake. It was the sign that the object was unknowingly with a sibling.

I am more grateful every day to the Oracle for showing me the locations of the lost objects for which people come to me. I’ll admit, it’s not what I thought astrology was for when I signed up for all this, but as a brilliant gateway to the wisdom encoded in our solar system, I will certainly keep offering this service.


Seasons of Practice


Horary 0036: Would the House Be a Good Place for Us to Live?