Horary 0033: Am I Going to Close the Deal?


The querent was trying to purchase a house. It had been under contract for a week at the time of the question, but the querent was concerned about the financing and wanted to know for reassurance if it would come through.


With a Cancer rising chart, I assigned the querent the Moon. The Moon is in the 12th house of anguish in the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury. Mercury rules the IC, signifying the house being purchased. The Moon is separating a square with Saturn, the descendant ruler, signifying the seller. I delineated this as the querent and seller having gone under contract, though the querent is worried (12th house) about the deal.

In a lovely, radical picture, the 10th house (signifying the price or the deal itself) contains many relevant significators.

Mercury — signifying the house itself — is there, afflicted by the beams of the Sun, ruler of the 2nd, signifying the querent’s finances. The querent’s financial picture is obscuring the situation. However, Mercury is emerging from the beams and applying to Jupiter, ruler of the 10th, the significator of the price. Saturn, the seller, has recently entered Pisces, the domicile of Jupiter, meaning the seller has affinity for the price. I judged this to mean that the financial picture is improving, and the deal is forming.

There is, however, a complication caused by an intermediary. Mars — the malefic contrary to sect in this day chart — has just entered its fall in Cancer, meaning not only has it just become more of a problem in general, it has become a problem for the Moon (the querent), specifically. Mars is the domicile ruler of Aries, meaning it has power over the Sun (the querent’s finances), Mercury (the house itself), and Jupiter (the price). Mars rules the 11th house cusp — 2nd from the 10th, the money in the deal — so I delineated it as signifying the lender, the one with all the power over whether this deal goes through.

However, I noted for the querent that Mars is above the ascendant in the 12th house, which I had already delineated as the place of anguish. Had Mars been angular, in the 1st, I would have found this chart much less favorable, but given its lack of view of the ascendant, I judged this to mean the querent was worried about the the lender, rather than that the lender was an actual threat.

I then delineated the upcoming action to determine the outcome. The Moon has already contacted Saturn (the seller) and the Sun (the querent’s money), and it will soon connect with Mercury (the house) and finally Jupiter (the price), all in rapid succession, which I delineated as the querent tying up all this business in advance of the closing.

Then the Moon will go into Cancer — the querent’s significator will literally enter its domicile, which I reckon seems like a pretty good sign for buying a house. Immediately, it will connect with Mars, the lender, who will shortly thereafter connect with Saturn, the seller. The lender’s collection of light between the buyer and the seller painted a crystal clear picture of the deal going through.


The deal went through, and the querent got the house.

They reported that they were nervous until the end, and that their worries were surely more of an “internal anxiety than an external reality.” The bank had asked repeatedly for more paperwork, delaying the process, a fallen Mars annoyance if there ever was one, but it all worked out.


Gorgeous chart, happy ending. Nothing to add except that I am grateful to the Oracle once again.


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