Eclipsing the Sun Cult

I was unable to articulate to myself or anyone else what my sort of “mission” in life was until I had subtle astrological vocabulary for it.

There is boundless personal benefit in this for me: clarity, focus, discernment of what is and is not the path, but it’s the intersubjective significations of the symbols that make it truly valuable coordination.

Filtering. Finding true others, not just more ingroup imitators.

I come from a spiritual culture with a language that is legalistic, so it is intersubjective, and therefore good for coordination… as long as participants can follow the law.

Hi. Have you met me?

Then I moved into spaces where the language was internal, and hoo boy. It’s amazing how much energy people who should be living life and helping people can waste on social gnosis verification, that’s all I feel like saying.

The thing about intersubjective spiritual language is that it works outside your bubble. If people don’t have to be like you to know what you’re talking about? That’s good. You can complain and be skeptical as much as you want, but you know what the Sun means, sorry.

Coming from an exclusive culture, I take great pleasure in being as inclusive as possible. When someone with no astrological background asks me to explain something, I do it as astronomically as possible, avoiding cultural layers. I find this to be a crucial skill.

I am yet to find a point at which astronomy + technique (which is of course culturally grounded but is explicable from first principles) breaks down in astrological communication and requires falling back on any particular cultural vocabulary.

Finding a cultural analogy that can be shared can be a nice shortcut — and enable nice bonding — but it’s exclusive to assume those will be there. To do this right, one has to rely on the shared sky.

I just don’t believe you can do this with a spiritual vocabulary that is grounded in symbols revealed to a particular person or culture.

I mean, you can do it with people already in your culture, or you can try to conquer and colonize someone by talking to them (🖕).

The “universality” of anything that took place inside of a culture is pure aggression and projection. Any symbol employed in the universalization of one culture is a weapon. The logos of the sky is outside of cultures.

Cultures reflect the sky. They don’t project it.

The more I learn about my culture’s history, the more astrology I find underlying not just the beginning of it, but every twist and turn along the way. It’s just one of those forms of spiritual contact with the world outside our skulls that people have always had.

Unfortunately, there are some cultural obstacles to working this way. Rigidly held belief structures are some of them, but actually radical skepticism is a much bigger one. If you aren’t open to even preliminary interest in something humans have always done, I can’t help you.

That’s just unwillingness to collaborate. Disinterest in human beings. That’s the whole project here, so like, if you want to sit on the sidelines and live in a closed universe where you are right and everyone else is wrong, knock yourself out, dude. We’re busy over here.

This is the outlines of Sun Cult beginning to take shape.

Denial of perspective.

Forceful centering of attention.

Relentless projection.

Exclusion of other points of view.

See what I mean?

The Sun Cult is not simply day. The Sun Cult is ETERNAL DAY.

Does that sound exhausting?

Does that sound irritating?

Does that sound TERRIBLE?

Then I trust you.

Let’s stand up for the night.


Age of Initiation


Timing Techniques